Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"The Neuroscience of Your Brain on Fiction" by Annie Murpy Paul

Here is the link to "The Neuroscience of Your Brain on Fiction" by Annie Murphy Paul. What did you find most interesting in this article? Did you learn anything new? Is there anything in this article that might change the way you think about fiction?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Welcome to Fall Semester!

Welcome to English 1010! This blog is the place to find links to articles, post discussion questions about the articles, and respond to others' discussion questions.

Here is a link to the first reading, due Wednesday, Aug. 28.  Remember to bring a hard copy or electronic copy to class, be prepared to discuss it and answer questions about it in class, and then post a question or comment about it on the blog. Email me at if you have any trouble accessing the article.

Caleb Crain, "Twilight of the Books"

Sunday, August 25, 2013


English 1010: Introductory Writing
Instructor: Emily Whitby/ email:
Office Hours: MWF 9:30-10:30 (by appointment)
Office: EH226
First semester freshman composition is a course dedicated to reading and writing, and this semester we will do a great deal of both.  The chief objective of this course is to introduce students to strategies of reading and writing that will benefit them as they move through college (and beyond).  Freshman composition is also a course sequence aimed at providing students with the skills necessary to critically approach the world around them and the texts they encounter in it, and to construct and articulate arguments about that world.

  • Writing Matters WSU Custom w/required Connect Plus Access
  • Weber Writes 2012
  • Composition notebook (non-spiral bound)
Other suggested materials:  Wildcard (for printing on campus), flash drive (for saving and transferring documents), mini stapler (available for $2-$3 at bookstore)

You are to come to class every day prepared to discuss and write about the assigned reading. You will need to bring a copy of the assigned reading with you to class, either a hard copy or an electronic copy on a laptop or tablet.

Writing Journal:
Each day, I will give you questions to write about in class.  These questions will deal with the assigned reading for the day, and will often be geared toward preparation for an upcoming essay.  You will need to respond to these questions in a “Writing Journal” that you will turn in at the end of the semester for grading.

Discussion Questions/Responses:
Over the course of the semester, you will write at least 10 discussion questions based on your readings, and at least 10 responses to other students’ questions, and submit them to the class blog.

Reading Responses:
You will need to write 5 Reading Responses this semester and turn them in on Fridays as indicated. These are to be two full pages in length, typed, and double spaced; they should include 1) a Summary of the text’s argument, 2) a Comparison with other texts we have read, and 3) an Evaluation of the text’s argument.  You must include all three sections and meet the minimum page requirement in order to receive full credit.

You will compose 3 essays of graduated length, complexity, and grade weight.  I will give you detailed descriptions of the essay assignments as we begin to draft them.

Each week, a group of students will give a presentation on an assigned topic.  Presentations should last 5-10 minutes, and should include a handout for the class.

Essay 1—15%                                         
Essay 2—20%                                 
Essay 3—25%                      
Reading Responses--10%    
Writing Journal—10%     
Discussion Questions—10%        
Final Exam—5%
Grade Scale:
 A 94-100%   A- 90-93%
B+ 87-89% B 83-86% B- 80-82% 
C+ 77-79% C 73-76% C- 70-72%  
D+ 67-69% D 63-66%  D- 60-62% 
E 61% and below   
UW   Unofficial Withdrawal 
Attendance is mandatory.  I will take roll every day.  You may miss this class three times without penalty.  Each absence after that will affect your final grade.

Assignments are due at the beginning of class.  Unless prior arrangements are made, if you are not on time and prepared with your assignment in hand, it will be considered late.  Late work will be penalized for each day it is overdue. 

Emailed assignments: You may occasionally email assignments to me if necessary. You will receive credit for turning the assignment in as soon as I receive the emailed copy; however, I will not grade and respond to assignments until I receive a hard copy.

I expect you to behave civilly and respectfully at all times (both to me and to your peers).  Should you behave inappropriately (chatting, texting, reading the newspaper, doing other work in my class, using laptops for anything other than 1010 classwork, etc.) you will either be counted absent for the day or be asked to leave the class and then counted absent.  In short, behave appropriately and respectfully.

I reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus to accommodate the dynamics of the class.

Plagiarism is the attempt to claim another’s work as your own. The WSU Student Code defines plagiarism as “the unacknowledged (uncited) use of any other person or group’s ideas or work” (Section 6-22, part IV, subsection D). Any attempt to claim credit another’s work, in whole or in part, is a violation of this policy and is regarded by the Composition Program as a serious offense, and plagiarism may result in failure of the courses.

Outcome Goals:
English 1010 introduces students to the habits and practices necessary for writing well at the college level by providing them opportunities to write in a variety of styles and genres. Although individual pedagogy may vary from section to section, the course emphasizes invention, organization, cohesion, focus, and grammatical and mechanical correctness. Because the relationship between writing and reading is a reciprocal one, English 1010 also emphasizes students reading texts that are consistent with the kinds of reading assignments they will be asked to do in other university courses.
Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability should contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in room 181 of the Student Service Center. SSD can also arrange to provide course materials (including this syllabus) in alternative formats if necessary.
Weber State University recognizes that there are times when course content may differ from a student's core beliefs.  Faculty, however, have a responsibility to teach content that is related to the discipline and that has a reasonable relationship to pedagogical goals.  If you, as a student, believe that the content of the course conflicts with your ability to pursue a topic, you may request a resolution from the instructor.  Please see WSU policy 6-22 for further clarification on this policy.

Contingency Plan:
In the event of an extended campus closure, you will continue to submit assignments to me via e-mail and discuss the text on the class blog.  Please ensure that I have a valid e-mail address for you that you access on a regular basis.  I will e-mail you with further instructions if a campus closure occurs.

M 8/26
Syllabus & Introductions

W 8/28

F 8/30
Paul, “The Neuroscience of Your Brain on Fiction”

M 9/2
Labor Day Holiday—No Class

W 9/4

F 9/6
Room for Debate, “The Power of Young Adult Fiction”
Reading Response #1

M 9/9
Fowler and Baca, “The ABCs of E-Reading”
Writing Matters, “Avoiding Sentence Fragments” (WM 344-350).
Presentation: Sentence Fragments
W 9/11
Pinker, “Mind Over Mass Media”

F 9/13
Richtel, “Outdoors and Out of Reach, Studying the Brain.” (

M 9/16
Writing Matters, “Avoiding Comma Splices and Fused Sentences” (WM 350-355).
Richtel, “Growing Up Digital,Wired for Distraction” (
Presentation: Comma Splices
W 9/18
Goldwasser, “What’s the Matter with Kids Today?”

F 9/20
Turkle, “Can You Hear Me Now?”
Reading Response #2

M 9/23
Pittman, “This is Your Brain on Facebook” (Weber Writes); Semicolons (WM 444).
Presentation: Semicolons
W 9/25
Drafting, Essay #1

F 9/27
Drafting, Essay #1

M 9/30
Workshopping, Essay #1
First Draft Due
W 10/2
Peer Review, Essay #1
Second Draft Due
F 10/4
“A Portfolio of Advertisements” (Blog)
Essay #1 Due

M 10/7
“Fowles, “Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals” (Blog); Apostrophes (WM 447)
Presentation: Apostrophes
W 10/9
“Selling Happiness: Two Pitches from Mad Men” (Youtube).

F 10/11
“A Portfolio of TV Commercials” (Youtube);

M 10/14
Writing Concisely (WM 283).
Presentation: Wordiness
W 10/16
Analyzing and Crafting Arguments (WM 75-86).
Reading Response #3
F 10/18
Fall Break—NO CLASS

M 10/21

Stolhand, “The Tragedy of the Un-Commons” (Weber Writes).

W 10/23
Drafting, Essay #2

F 10/25
Drafting, Essay #2

M 10/28
Workshopping Essay #2
First Draft Due
W 10/30
Peer Review, Essay #2
Second Draft Due
F 11/1
Berg, “The Need to Explore” (Weber Writes)
Essay #2 Due

M 11/4
Burton, “Correlation Between Sleep Habits and Academic Performance In College Students” (Weber Writes); Passive and Active Voice (WM 300-301)
Presentation: Passive and Active Voice
W 11/6
Gilbert, “How Many Eggs Should We Place in the Student Evaluation Basket?” (Weber Writes).

F 11/8
Hole, “The Fate and Future of Food” (Weber Writes).

M 11/11
Gillen, “Video Game Playing: Friend or Foe?” (Weber Writes).

W 11/13
Larsen, “Are Virtual Games a Virtual Problem? (Weber Writes).

F 11/15
Nguyen, “Video Games and Aggression” (Weber Writes).
Reading Response #4

M 11/18
Tueller, “And They Lived Happily Ever
After” (Weber Writes).

W 11/20
Salas, “The Legalization of Marijuana” (Weber Writes).

F 11/22
West, “Optimism, Pessimism or Gratitude” (Weber Writes).

M 11/25
Drafting, Essay #3

W 11/27
Drafting, Essay #3
Reading Response #5
F 11/29
Thanksgiving Holiday—No Class

M 12/2
Workshopping, Essay #3

W 12/4
Peer Review, Essay #3
Writing Journal Due
F 12/6
Final Exam
Essay #3 Due