Also, to supplement our discussion about e-readers, here is a New York Times article that compares the environmental impact of books vs. E-readers. It's not an assigned reading, but it's an interesting text to compare to the one by Fowler and Baca:
"How Green is My iPad?" by Daniel Coleman and Gregory Norris
And finally, this graphic sums up how I feel about real books! Is anyone else as nerdy as I am??
I bought myself a kindle last summer and now I don't like reading a novel unless it is on it. I am so hooked! It is easy to carry around, and when I am reading on the treadmill it is so much easier to click a button than to pick the book out of the holder turn the page and put it back into the holder. I love my kindle and will forever be a supporter.
ReplyDeleteIn the side margin there was a quote from the journal community that said librarians are the real losers because of the evolution of e-books. I don't understand how this can be true because previously in the article it states how the libraries are become more accessible by allowing electronic checking out of books. Could it be possible that as e-readers evolve the paperback book could become "extinct"?
ReplyDeleteThe only problem I have with reading on a kindle or I pad is after a while my eyes start to hurt. I will agree it does make it more convenient to carry one of those rather then books upon books.
ReplyDeleteI'm the opposite, my eyes tend not to get tired nearly as fast reading on a kindle which is pretty close in my opinion to print.
DeleteI definitely prefer an E-reader over an actual book. Like the article states they don't weigh as much, are less bulky and you have access to so many books. Another thing is that when you want to read something new you don't have to drive to the bookstore.
ReplyDeleteI never been much of a reader, and don't think I ever will become one, and if I ever want to read a book I will buy one because its cheaper that way. I think the only time I will get a e-book is when they become more school text friendly. I do think that this new age of reading is great for those who do read like my mother. I got her a tablet for mothers day one year and she never leaves home with out it. she is able to read a lot more with it.
ReplyDeleteI have never had an e-reader. However, I do know that when I read on a lit screen it's harder for me to focus than when I am reading on print/paper. Hopefully print stays around.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the idea that the e-reader provides more of a distraction. I find I can focus on print books much better than on a screen.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone here have both the print and electronic versions of the same book? If so, which do you use more often?
ReplyDeletePersonally I think e-readers do have some great value, they make reading much easier in places and situations where carrying around a novel is just not very practical, like on a trip or a car ride. I don't think, however, that e-books will ever completely replace print books because there is something about holding a book in your hands that is magic.
ReplyDeleteI really like the e-readers I think they give people who don't like to read too much the right situations to sit down and read a little. I can see how it has its long reaching effects. The suppliers have the advantage because now there is a market for it. But also book stores and libraries are on the down fall of the situation. I don't read e-books at night though because of the lighting, which is never right.
ReplyDeleteI was looking at these posts again and thought of something that my dad told me and I thought it was funny and that I'd ask the question. My dad says that there is an entire industry that is now diminishing because of ipads and e-readers, and it is the bookmark making industry. I never thought of it that way, and thought I should share that insight :)
ReplyDeleteI have an iPad and I tried reading books from it but I never could really get into the book. I was always distracted by the alerts from my other apps and I seemed to get headaches from looking at the lit screen. I personally prefer reading from an actual book. I just love the feel of holding a book and having to physically turn the pages versus just swiping on.