Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"A Portfolio of Print Advertisements"

Take a look at each of these print advertisements and be prepared to talk about them in class on Friday. What is the advertisement trying to sell? What kinds of tactics do they use to make their product look appealing?


  1. The advertisement's main tactics are using attractive, happy people. This tells people if they use their product, whatever it may be, then it will make them happy.

  2. The advertisements target people who are unhappy and/or dissatisfied and try to tell them that things will make them happy, and "that things won't make you as happy as this thing,". It's basically "the grass is greener" concept where you want to do better than everyone else because that is supposed to make me happy, and when my neighbor seems happier I have to buy the next thing that will make me better and thus make me happier. It's sad that the world operates like that, but it's also why advertising is such an amazing filed to go into, there will always be a new product and a new way to make it look like it will make you happy.

  3. The point of advertising it to create a dual reality from the one you have and the one you could have. It focuses on different classes and people but it focuses on their needs and wants. I would say a lot of advertising is sexual or material. There is a lot of advertising on the alcoholic beverages. It's really just a simple propaganda.

  4. A lot of advertisements all have one thing in common. They are all trying to sell you something. Advertisements convince you to buy something by showing you something "better" than you already have. They make a lot of things look like if you buy their product, you'll be in the top class. Although, a lot of times it depends on the kind of person you are. Not all advertisements are appealing to everyone.

  5. Most of these ads are for controlled substances which to me makes it easy to think of how all 15 basic appeals could be found in each. In ads which aren't so rebellious I think it is harder to find examples of rebellion, and the need to aggress.

  6. I think the camel pleasure to burn ad is obviously using sex appeal. There's a man that is attractive and has the whole grease thing going for him. He appears healthy and happy and that's what most people strive for.
