Monday, November 25, 2013

"Video Games and Aggression" by Viet Nguyen

In this article, Nguyen suggests that research attempting to show a direct link between video games and aggression has been biased or inconclusive. What are your thoughts on this? Do you have any first-hand experience that might show a connection?


  1. Nguyen shows very valid arguments that the research has not been done well enough. I have never seen a gaming company produce research on the topic of aggression and therefore that provides biased results because most research is done on the opposing side.

  2. I totally agree with Nguyen that violent video games in and of themselves don't make violent people. With how popular these games are in my own family I would have several cousins in jail by now; that is if playing violent games caused a person to violently act out agressions. We still choose to jump on a trampoline, skateboard, and play a ball game rather than shoot someone or beat them up. Why aren't there studies to show if watching romantic chick flicks make people more romantic? Or does anything we watch make us anything? Our desires, choices and how we use our abilities make us who we are not what we have seen in the world, game playing or movie watching. I do believe violent people would enjoy violent video games more than those who are sensitive to violence. But I don't think exposing someone who is by nature non violent and offended by violence to these games would turn them into a mass murderer no matter how much he played a violent game.

  3. Violent video games don't make people violent, but they can desensitize people to violence and blood and even death. Combined that with a chemical imbalance of some type and then yes it can lead to bad things, it's not the video games fault however, it is the parents allowing their children to be desensitized and in some cases not trying to reprimand them for their violent tendencies at an early age.

  4. I would have to agree with Nguyen that these arguments are biased. When I was in high school I was your typical high school guy. Played sports and I would play a little Halo and Call Of Duty on the side. While I was playing with my friends it would get pretty heated but that is just because of the competitiveness. Once the games were shut off and we were done playing everything went back to normal. We weren't angry or aggressive because of a simple game.

  5. Alex Winter
    I would say that aggression is the key word that we are working with here. Violence is not an effect of playing a game and there is no study that has a direct corelation to that. but on the aggression side of things yes. it depends on the person but yes I know that people can get aggressive and their attitude changes after a good long while of violent games. its not to say that they dont cool down and everything is normal after but things can get heated where they were not that way before.

    Alex Winter
