How Many Eggs Should We Place in the Student Evaluation Basket? by Devin Gilbert
What did you think of Gilbert's article? How many of you write evaluations after a class is over, and how much weight do you think these evaluations should be given?
I have written an evaluation for every class I have taken in college so far. They may seem dumb and pointless to the students, but it really depends on if they are used. If someone oversees the comments and possible concerns and takes action, they can be very useful. However, if they are just done to get a general view on the teacher without anything further, then they are just a waste of time for everyone. Another problem is the fact that most students (unless the teacher is utterly TERRIBLE) just go down and put the highest rating on all questions. This makes the evaluations not very effective.
ReplyDeleteI like how Gilbert suggests students fill out an evaluation a year or so after having the class. Right when a class is completed its easy to hurry and evaluate it based on exams and homework. A lot of students evaluate on how easy it was to get an A. If students fill out the evaluation at a later time, it would be more accurate because they can see how the class has helped them in future classes and if the homework and exams helped them to retain the information.
ReplyDeleteI think that the evaluations done by students can be very helpful, when the previous evaluations are accessible by students. A great example of this is Rate My It helps students know exactly what they are signing up for and lets them find a teacher who's teaching style will match or be close to the students learning style. The only disadvantage is if either people don't take the time to evaluate a teacher or if a teacher is new and so there is no current information, and in that case it is the responsibility of the first class to give a decent evaluation while still keeping in mind that this is the teachers first year. So, all in all, these evaluations can be very helpful when put to good use. If no one ever has access to them then they are just a waist of time.
ReplyDeleteI have never written an evaluation but I have looked at teacher evaluations to help with requesting a schedule. I do not think that a teacher should be retained or let go based only on student evaluations. People who are more verbal learners are perhaps more likely to write an evaluation, while those who are visual or hands on learners are less likely to do so. There are many types of teaching and learning styles and a horrible teacher for one person is a favorite to another.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first semester of college so I haven't written any evaluations yet but I plan on writing one for every class I take. I feel it is important that the teachers get feedback from the students so they know what they can do to improve for future classes.
ReplyDeleteAlex Winter
ReplyDeleteOverall i dont think that students really take the time out to really give a good evaluation. I know that we as student really do have alot of opinions and facts and imput but if it was a little easier and not just a bubble sheet that is universal i think it would be better. overall i think the system is not set up for students in the first place. they shouldnt be teacher evaluation they should be student evaluations. they should want to know how we did not how the teacher did.
Alex Winter