Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"The Fate and Future of Food" by Kyle Hole

Sometimes essays end with a "call to action" that invites readers to change their opinions, beliefs, or actions regarding an issue.  What is the "call to action" in this article? What does the author want us to do after reading the article?


  1. I feel that "The Fate and Future of Food" is a pointless article. Three and a half pages into the article he finally says "To begin". It took him that long to explain what he was going to write about. Then after that he keeps writing about things that just skim the surface. I still have three more pages left in the article, and to be honest I don't know if I will even try to finish it.

  2. I agree with Britney, it took him way too long to get the ball rolling! Hole did look at several different opinions, but I felt he did not tie them together well. I can tell that he wants us to be more aware of our food and appreciate it as we used to, however, it was very difficult for me to see a central focal point in his essay. I found it hard to find something to "walk away with" in this article. He viewed so many points and then at the end stated "There is no official conclusion." In his conclusion he then talked about completely different topics and concerns that were not even mentioned in the essay. I feel he may have been better off researching one of his conclusion questions instead researching the food controversy as a whole.

  3. I think it's very important for us to be aware what is being put into our bodies and this essay had a lot of interesting and useful facts from both sides of the spectrum, organic versus genetically modified. It didn't take one main focus and covered a lot of different opinions. The only thing I wasn't very fond of was how in the conclusion Hole brought up other opinions that he didn't give any description with. I think he should've brought those ideas up early and expanded on them.

  4. I have always wondered why some people seem to believe that either you eat healthy organic foods or horrible "other" foods. I follow lots of fitness blogs as a dancer, but a lot of the recipies call for ingredients that either do not sound appetizing or they are extreamly expensive to buy and hard to find. I do agree that organic foods are good for you, that's why I grow a garden, but I also believe that GMO foods are good too because they make foods easier to grow, the seeds I mean. And, to grow "organic" food you are not supposed to use any type of synthetic substance to help your plants grow, and this can make them much more vulnerable to weather , and can make you produce fewer plants by the time to harvest if you don't have a farm as large as Day's Farm (a giant family run farm in Layton that sells their produce) so personally I feel that it's a matter of opinion, I have eaten GMO my whole life, except for what I grew myself, and my kids will be the same way, because at this point in time I don't see a danger in the foods itself.

  5. Food is a universally important topic. It is simply a neccessity and complicated and controversial in defining the qualityof food. As an essay topic it would have been better to narrow the controversy the author wanted to cover and build a more defined support or arqument in that area. Just skimming the surface on a range of broad topics of concern does not resolve anything. In general his call to action was to be more aware of food controversies and pay attention to unbiased scientific study on issues such as organic benitits, and genetic manipulation of food. The article failed to define a reliable study and defining point resolved from that study. It is hard to encourage someone to do something simple by writting about it without showing a more specific example. I was left as nuetral to the issues he mentioned as I was before reading the essay. I was not pursuaded toward or from organic or genetically modified foods. I will still continue to eat without reading scientific studies on what I put in my mouth.

  6. This article was not the best. It seemed to me like he didn't go too into depth over such an important topic. Food is our future and the article didn't give us that much information about food and what is going on with it.

  7. Alex Winter

    i thought that the author presented alot of really good information but that de really didnt go anywhere with that info. ther was not a info chain that went to form a deep logical persuasive essay. overall i liked the facts that were there and it was a good read but i think that he needed to go deeper with the GMO's and how they effect us and what the current status is on all of that stuff.

    Alex Winter
