Monday, November 11, 2013

"Video Game Playing: Friend or Foe" by Jeremy Gillen

What do you think of the evidence Gillen provides to support his argument? Was the research solid? Was his evidence convincing? Did this article affect the way you think about video games? 


  1. The most important evidence is his personal story through the beginning of the essay. He had a very strong argument in his pathos and ethos appeal. He understood the topic before going into so therefore this made his research sound more educated. The article did not affect the way I think about video games, however I thought it provided good insight on the matter.

  2. In the Essay, I don't think that video games is really changing the person. I think if the person is having that change they are choosing it. I was a addict at playing video games. I was personally choosing that addiction. Now in my life I play every once in a while and I don't have that addiction. I don't see how we can balm a game system for how we change, because we are the ones making the change.

  3. This article I don't think was very well organized. He had good information, if one was willing to try and sift through all of the "fluff" as my 9th grade Honors English teacher would call it. He organizes his article by giving the "meat" of his argument first and then tries to add the bread afterwards it seems, especially when he gives all of the information about the human brain, which could have been shortened to a couple of lines rather than two paragraphs. I really don't think his article changed my idea on video games and how they effect a person's mental state. I really think that the people who's mental states are affected are people that probably had some type of imbalance somewhere in their life, and so video games fills that void. However, I do not believe the average person is affected all that adversely by playing video games. But, the level of how it influences your choices is entirely a personal matter, so for him to make a claim that "if someone plays video games then (insert one of his claims here)" is an obvious If-Then logical failure, it's personal, not general.

  4. Alex Winter

    I really liked his view points on the family about how its really not the game itself it the control of the parents. i wouldnt say that the artivle persuaded me to change my opinion about violent video game but the article was an okay read. but because of all the examples from his personal life it almost dis credits him as an author because he doesnt have the Pathos to back it up.

    Alex Winter
